Saturday, September 13, 2014

Berenice Parks

So much has happened to me since I last wrote my last entry and I dont remember when that was. 
Well I got my last name changed since i last wrote cause i got married
It was so stressful the weeks before i got married, there
was tears, arguments, drama, drama, DRAMA , that was 
unnecessary....the wedding was on August 31, 2014 and it was called 
off like four, five times by my mother-in-law sometimes she can be annoying.
I dont I CANT get stressed cause that flares up my lupus and my Fibromyalga so I 
unfortunately had one because it was super stressing

but its quieter around here these days 
less arguing because Michelle moved out 
that Brandons sister    
it was a really violent moving out day because it was so unexpected
Mom and Daughter got physically violent, I was scared and I just wanted to leave somewhere but I couldnt because they get dramatic and blame one another for running me out the house
and another factor
I dont have a car to drive and too scared to drive in the big lanes cause i havent driven in so long
I just wanted to get away from all the screaming 
I felt really anxious 

 But its calm for now until some one throws a rocks in 
Michelle might have gone in an abruptly way but she was eventually going to go
but her mom is not understanding that she wants to keep her close
ohhhwelll stubbornness
She will get someday

The night before our wedding we SO DRUNK

Bad Idea #1
We Decided To have our Bachelor/Bachelorette Party THEE NIGHT BEFORE our wedding

Bad Idea #2
Brandon Got Pinot Grigio....GROSS..that wine tasted like sour dry and salty fermented grapes blehhhh


Bad Idea #3
We Drank That Whole Bottle Of Pinot Grigio
and then some
We Got Wasted

Bad Idea #4
We Stayed Up ALLLL Night 
Went To Bed @5 a.m.
We Had To Get Up @9 a.m.
And only ONE of us made out Alive- Me 
Brandon had a Terrible Horrible Massive Hangover
Puking before, During, he held it in for a little bit while the Pastor was doing our little shindig but As Soon as He was done "you may kiss the bride, I now pronounce you mr and mrs Brandon Parks......He went to PUKE
Oy Vey

All In All 
I Got to Marry My Geeky Nerdy Hazeled Eyed 5Ft5in(not very tall but im 5ft2in) Prince
I love Him To Infinity and Beyond

"Love is When the other person's happiness is more important than your own."
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.  

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