Thursday, August 25, 2016

Im Grateful For...

My Husband 
I dont know how I would do without my husband here in the now. I cant even imagine it, no yes i can i would do bad. Probably still be living with my parents and even in worse shape than i am now cause my parents like to baby me. Even though he may be an old man (hes a year older than me lol)I dont know how I WOULD function in this world NOW. Five years ago I could but not now hes made me all mushy and stuff, not my usual self. Hes made me into a better person and I him, I love him for that.  

Modern Medicine
What else can we say about this. Modern medicine is modern medicine and its fucking great. If it weren't for this stuff we all be lying almost dead or on our death beds right now till they eventually came up with something which i mean they would but still you get the picture. Modern Medicine has been pretty great to me cause it has kept me alive back then people affected with lupus only had so many years to live and even though they haven't come up with a cure they have a way to control and treat it where you can live a semi comfortable life. 

My Parents 
Im so grateful for my parents, I could write books and books about their struggles and accomplishments. They've had much more struggles yet they dont complain and i love them for that. This country has given them nothing and they dont complain.  They're old and my father is still working his ass off, trying to get the bills paid and since my mom and uncle are mentally unstable (schizophrenic) they both got medical bills and my father is their only Savior cause he loves them both and my other bitch uncles didnt want to deal with my unstable uncle so they dropped him off at my dads house. Bitches. They came here for a better chance at life, check cause back in Mexico we were dirt poor I remember that. And then I got sick so Im thankful for my parents for taking to all these specialists and all these doctors and giving me a chance at life. Back in Mexico, in the little town i mean little town where i was living i would've probably died and thats not joking. I would've probably seen some witch doctor than an actual doctor.
Everybody likes music but im not everybody, Im actually grateful for it cause it helped me get me my speech back. So im like 5% of some I LOVE LOVE MUSIC. Actually more than my makeup and i love my makeup but if someone took away all my music that i accumulated over my 27 years I would SHOOT them in FACE...NO JOKE! I would be very boring person because music and art are the two things that make up my DNA.

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are charming
gardeners, who make our souls blossom."
- Marcel Proust

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