Monday, August 29, 2016

Keeping up Maintenance

Trying to keep up with maintenance with this blog and producing videos 
on YouTube is pretty challenging. Almost like keeping up with my eyebrows, 
i keep up with them most of the time and the other time i just let them go cause i just 
want to be lazy and pain free but most of all lazy
and they grow fast.
But I just found out that blogger has a phone app so that makes it 5x easier for me to do this. Not so sure about the videos but we're working on that. With the constant distractions of life its lucky that i get one or three a week so im gonna strive for that. Not every day cause that just unrealistic, if i get 4 or 5 in its because the phone app is really helping.
And if its going to be just one its going to be one DAMN good one cause i wouldnt let you guys hanging like that, please what kind of person do you think i am, A monster! 
But it will never come down to that
im just 
ill just write the 4 really semi decent ones lol
just kidding

or am i

So the other day i had to re-read my blog description just to make sure what i was writing about was about accurate and it was semi-accurate..i was supposed to be writing about MY LIFE and news is not technically not my life. Well it is and its not cause is affecting me in some sort way, i just had to get this all sorted out before i reported some news story on here next time.

I get distracted by EVERYTHING,  im like a dog that gets distracted by a squirrel in those animated movies. Food, TV, Chores around the house, my videos, my music, my comfy bed, and everything else that needs to be done. And i can spend endless hours online, snapchat, and Instagram those are my big ones oh yeah i forgot Pinterest i can pin for hours. 
So im just trying to apologize for the 100th time lol 

"Continuous effort -  not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking
our potential"
- Winston Churchill 

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