Wednesday, February 26, 2014


What's your social security number dear?
Me- I don't have one
Well you cant apply to our college, I'm sorry

I'm undocumented 
I'm Mexican
......but I'm  also American

I was brought here to America when I was 8 and getting here was not easy.  I had to leave all that I loved behind my cousins, my aunts, and especially my grandma. My mom had to pull me away from her because i holding on for dear life not to leave her and i still remember to this day. I dont remember much from the trip across the border i just know that my sister and I got separated from our parents. The people that smuggled us in were nice people it was blonde lady and a man but they drugged both us so we wouldnt make noise....i just remember seeing a blonde ponytail, then these pretty color spots they were fuzzy and i was out...and when i woke up we were in the USA.
I've had so many positive experiences and equally as many negative ones but its always embarrassing when a person asks that question and i dont have an answer for them especially in front of a crowd of people. Its always a bummer when you've worked on something so hard and you dont reap the benefits. I worked so hard in high school despite getting sick i took extra classes i did everything i could to earn my Academic Honors Diploma(Thats the highest fucking diploma you can get) my parents were so proud and so was i  but i didnt sign up for FASFA cause you need a SSN I wanted to go to Ballstate for Visual Arts but I couldnt afford it and still cant.  I won a lot scholarships and that got me through school I had to check first that they didnt need a SSN or I didnt qualify, I went to a community college, Ivy Tech, that i could somewhat afford, $4,000/semester.
but im not in school right now

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
-John F. Kennedy

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