Friday, February 28, 2014

My FIANCE is having an AFFAIR!!!

Well kinda with his PS4 and his Xbox360, I got you ..He plays those things...excuse me Consoles..all day he forgets to eat, sleep, go out in the sun if he even know what the sun is...he lives in cave but it smells like roses and cupcakes cause i live there, anyways all i hear coming from that room is profanity - "shit dude i got blown up", :really fucking four shots man" , "our squad is holding our fucking own","DAMMIT" 


I dont know what the hell hes talking about 

I'm like (O.o)

I dont understand baby

As much as he loves me he loves his cave aka his room, he spends 95% of the time in there playing:
Metal Gear
I asked him to describe to me metal gear in 2 sentences or less and he was playing some game, of course with Big Mike online, he is a friend and they both laughed so hard. 
I can describe it in one sentence, confusing as hell. and that wasnt event a full sentence

So im going to summarize my best from what ive been watching, this is just endless driving, taking cars from other cars people when you got own but you dont want to scratch those no those are your babies so you just steal whatever car you want so i dont see the point of haing your own, but whatever. Its trying to get away from the coppers you when do something bad which is ALWAYS that's the whole point of this game, its rated by stars 6 is the max..thats when you've done some real bad shit like..... i dont know i havent stayed awake long enough to find out but  i know from my lil bro cause he tells me sadly he plays this game just not this version, 


Assassin's Creed IV(4) 
Black Flag
This game is about pirates, English pirates fighting against the Spanish....yep thats all know its  sad really cause i watched him endlessly play this lol and thats all i got but its very pretty game props to the game creators it gets my stamp of approval for being visually pleasing to the eye.

Battlefield 4 
This game ill try to describe but im trying all by myself so dont shoot me if say something stupid people im trying, haha "shoot me" see what i did there I crack myself up. Shooter thats what he calls this and thats gets straight to the point. The player gets to choose all kinds guns(thats what i call everything that shoots unless its a riffle i know what those look like) ... whatchamacallits see ok i make everyone happy now..and you go in "battlefield" and just wait to get shot ..but you try to shoot others first...thats it
ok so this game is just weird its a white man and hes completely bald so he has this bar-code tattooed on the back of his head for God only what reasons, if he forgets who he is maybe they can scan his head i dont know, white people you're killing me. ok im getting of topic the game the game. You're basically trying to hide among others, by being sneaky, trying not to get caught when you killed or knocked out someone and taken their clothes, so you can intermingle with that certain group or person and they wont know who you are, cause that BAR-CODE doesn't look suspicious at all. Thats all I know i swear I knew more Ah well

And on top of it hes got boyfriends and husbands (well thats what i call them, there's a hierarchy).
His closest friends are his husbands and all the other are his boyfriends, I just realized my fiance is a whore.
He has a few girls on there and I call them NON-EXISTING...well there's a few but its in the single numbers that got my stamp of approval.

click on the link below to get a laugh or a giggle and for those manly men a chuckle

"Smile, its free therapy."
-Douglas Horton

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