Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I Couldnt Have a better Day (sarcasm)

bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep 

thats how my day went today
it was like a snowball effect 
the morning was pretty good till we found out our phones were shut off
we have to pay 400 dollars before we get our phones 
back on and we're completely broke
we dont even have money for toilet paper and we need that 
the cheapest toilet paper is .50cents 
and we have to scrounge around for that
I need a medicine thats $5 and we asked my husbands grandmother to borrow 5 dollars and she gave us 10 for the medicine and my husband gave it to my mother-in-law and she used for gas, i said fine ..but inside i was a little bit mad cause i knew they needed to get to work but they dont need to go to pointless places all the and brandon dont go ANYWHERE and we're fine 
that was yesterday that she took the 10 dollars 
Now today the phones were turned off, we werent aware off that until they came home from work 
they came home around 11:30
we had a very important doctors appointment at 2:00pm
which we didnt know we had to pay a copay of $20 
we didnt have those $20
we trying our best to call and call on the LANDLINE that we did have
nobody at the the doctors office picked up
that was our fuck up we should called earlier 
but we were trying to get ahold of someone to try not to pay the copay if they could bill us
my mother-in-law lets just call her shannan 
Shannan was getting so shitty and angry 
she was yelling at us really mean comments 
since we couldn't get a hold of anybody if  we went down there (it was a drive so she was shitty for a reason but all of the other comments weren't necessary) and we didnt we have the copay they werent let me see the doctor
So we were in the car and she told Brandon to go and try one more time and he did 
waiting waiting waiting 
the fucking doctor cancelled on me
for the 3RD TIME!!!!!
I was waiting for this appointment eagerly
cause ive been having multiple seizures and they took an MRI in the fucking ER and they saw something abnormal 
she moved till October 

that gives me more time to stress about it
jeez thanks doc

"You need to able to able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through."
- Marie Osmond 

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