Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Sister My Best Friend...That Was Only Temporary

Jaya 22 and Berny 24

I miss my sister. Its like she doesnt want anything to do with our family anymore, I get it why she was mad at my dad but she has to be an adult about it and get over it and forgive. She doesnt have to punish us, especially our mom.
I call my parents everyday cause I left home and I live two hours away and I visit whenever I can, I stay for 3 weeks or more. My sister living in my hometown with her boyfriend, she never calls, she never..rarely visits..WE HAVE NO WAY OF GETTING IN CONTACT WITH HER.. because she doesnt give her phone number away to us, her family. I have her on skype and thats my only way of getting in contact with her and I left her a skype message the other day to go and visit our mom ASAP because she really misses her. As I type this I am only getting angrier with that person, because thats what shes become to me. It pisses me off to the point of tears that we have to beg for her to come visit, I know she doesnt have it easy now..living on her own but she chose that lifestyle and you can only watch her struggle. BUT DAMN A FUCKING WEEKEND just to see our mom. My mom is schizophrenic and diagnosed with depression, she takes medication but shes alone all day weekdays, I call her in the day when its rainy, dark, and cold cause she especially gets depressed on those days. I cheer her up for a while but she has to watch her minutes or i have to do it cause she will want to talk for hours. I call everyday at night cause my dad has the unlimited minutes phone and ill talk to him for a bit, my bro, and my mom.  UGGHHH IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD I WISH I COULD PUNCH HER IN THE FACE OR SLAP THE RIDICULOUS OUT OF HER 
and my little brother, I felt so bad for him when I talked to him the other day and he told me that went to see the Lego movie all excited, "Who did you go see it with?"
Jose- no one
me- Oh 
Jose- but Jaya and her bf picked me up after the movie to get my haircut...
me-how was the movie?
Josie-FUNNY!!!...but it wouldve been better to have someone there to laugh with me..I was lonely but i had my own personal row
me-(my heart dropped when he said that and i was holding back tears of rage) I wish I couldve seen it with you buddy, next time im there we'll go see a movie.
...............i was thinking FUCKERS 

I get really sad of the relationship my sister and dad have, they dont have one. She only speaks to him when she needs something or hes home at the exact time that she decides to visit. Other than that they dont speak and they are going to regret that someday.

Me and Her, we used to be best friends. No one understood our humor except us. Even when we were total and complete bitches to each other we NEVER said the word bitch even though that's what both of us were thinking, I said it once when i was 12 and I felt horrible for days.
I hope one day we can hang out like we used to or just chill and talk for hours. 
I love my sister and I really miss her

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust

Friday, March 21, 2014

Disney, My Inner Child Sings

As I sit here listening to Pandora radio set to Disney and I know EVERY song that it blasts out, I feel like a BOSS. HELL YEAHH I KNOW EVERY SONG I wish I could go back in time to elementary school when that mattered. AH well but at 24 years old I still get excited about Disney whatever whenever it comes on.

 And I can say:
high-5 or 10 for saying the longest made-up word in the English language!

Anyways the songs always cheer me up when im sad or REALLY BORED, how could they not i mean its Disney.

The movies paired with the songs just make it a great combination, I mean i dont like seeing Simbas' father get trampled by a herd of wildebeest
but its there to make great movie with great songs...OH STOP CRYING!!

My favorite movie is THE LITTLE MERMAID...Im obsessed with that movie, well im obsessed with all Disney movies but this one takes cake.
I think I was a mermaid in past life but im getting of topic here...That movie came out the year I was born and five years later I laid my eyes on it and that opening scene with all the merpeople not even Ariel I was enchanted.

....and a tiny monster was born 
lol thats not me
but how cute would've that been if was 
thank goodness for Google
but but isnt she ADORABLE!!!!!!
This is what im going to do my kids when they're babies, MUAHAHAHA let the parental embarrassment begin and im not even married yet.

ANYWAYSsss I love looking at fan art and what people all throught the world have created, the different mediums:

^lol i love this one

Now Now I cant leave all the other ones out
phewww that was so hard

OK lets go on Disney taught me some very important self lessons
Lion King
We cant let our past hold us back rather we must learn from it 

The Little Mermaid
Be true to yourself. People will love you a lot more because of it.

Finding Nemo
Never give up on your goals and dreams

Beauty and the Beast
Never let what negative think or say about you, affect your life

We can learn a lot from people who are not like ourselves

Never give up on your dreams

But There's also a DARK SIDE 

My parents didn't like this one too much
but i tried to explain to them that I 
was meant to be mermaid princess at 6 

I didnt like this one 
for the reason stated right there in the picture, still true.

 MAGIC comes with a cost 
kiddies its not free 
But so far its only costing me 20...40
When I go to Disney World/land
Money Money Money

Lastly the movie Frozen holds a special place in my heart cause that's where my fiance proposed to me
I am very lucky girl to have found the love of my life 
Prince Charming 
My Proposal Video

"If you can dream it, you can do it."
-Walt Disney

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Can Do Better Than You.......

I wasnt working on my blog I was playing Candy Crush and I screamed STOP THIS MADNESS IM BETTER THAN THIS!!!! but just one more level to see what new candies there are...i was talking to myself 

I ran out of lives so that stopped me....ill just have to wait 30 min to get another one muahahaha... but THAT JUST ONE 

If i had just said NO NO NO to the multiple invites for Candy Crush I wouldn't be having this problem. The world wouldn't be having problems 
Bills would be getting paid
Babies would be getting fed
Children's laces would be getting tied 
Credit Card Debt would be non ex.....haha now lets be reasonable people

If we were only like Samuel L. Jackson
 Now ladies and Gents 
that is what I like to call


"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
-Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Music Saved My Speech

Music is my life
I listen to it every chance I get
My fiance is dumbstruck when i know every song on every TV show on every channel or on movies, its cause ive heard it before or everybody in the whole world is singing that same song cause its a popular song, Billboard Top 100, uhhBabe don't you keep up with the times?? no hes busy with his games, DUH... I wouldn't know how to function if you took my music away, its my life, I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't discriminate. My phone(cause that's where everybody keeps their music now) has everything I think its bipolar. Country,Classical,Hip-Hop, Metal, Old school Rock, Mexican music, French Music, Indian music, K-Pop, Indie, Jazz, Pop, Reggae, Christian Rock(im not Christian), Dubstep, ect it could go on forever.....anyways when I got brain surgery i lost the ability to speak temporarily. That's scary as hell, all I could was cry, nod my head yes and no and point. All I wanted to do was speak and nothing...how could it be possible. The doctors said this could take up to 3 months to fix and i was like in my mind No NO NO nO a la chingada my Mexican was coming out that translates to nooooo FUCKING SHIT!

So they as in the surgeons kept in the hospital for a week and then they transported me to Rehab Hospital and passed me off to the next doctors.they gave me the first day free but the next day and days ahead i was in for fun times (-__-) 

you guys dont understand how hard it is to get speech back, I felt like a baby trying to get a sound out. I eventually got yes out after like the whole hour session but it didnt take long like 20 min to get no out. no no no no i can even say it German nein nein nein, isnt that the second the words that most little kids learn after dada or mama haha. 

well after a few sessions with my speech therapist i was saying a few more words but i wasn't putting them together or i was a bit but i sounded robotic; so some random day i was in my room taking a break and listening to music and i had never tried to sing the songs cause i thought in my mind i cant sing the song ill just botch it but to my amazement i started singing and it was smooth like silk, i sounded normal as if nothing had happened. I was so HAPPY and excited to tell my therapist. I had hard time explaining what happened but she made me she was hard on me but in polite way i dont know how to explain that haha. She had me sing to everyone i talked to for a trial for one day it worked. I practiced alone in my room always singing, anytime I had a break I would put my music on and sing, the nurses even were relieved that there was some music on the floor cause it was all quiet. We worked on all kind of things in there like to tell time, to make change with money, to tell her when im choking cause that really happened haha, you dont know how to say all those simple things.  I thank her for reteaching all that or i would still be having speech problems.

I learned English by listening to music and I regained my speech by listening to music.

3 months...psshh please I got out in ONE 




I love this song 
I hope you guys will like it too(i love the old man in this song)
throw some culture at you

"You've gotta Dance like there's nobody watching,
Love you'll never be hurt,
    Sing like there's nobody listening,
     And Live like it's heaven on earth."
-William W. Purkey

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Melt Cosmetics MI AMOR

Im in love LOVE with this Cosmetic line, they only sell lipsticks but who knows what they will be selling in the future MORE shades of lipsticks, which my fiance will go broke from using his credit card but lets not say for he wont read this because its a makeup blog. Ive only purchased three of the shades/colors so far so i havent had the whole magical experience.
ok lets go over the shades/colors 
  • Blow

This color is not one of my favorites its like a forest green deep deep green with a tiny hint of blue

I dont know where they thought up all these names 

  • Bane

As you can tell I LOVED this color its just straight up black the blackest black and all the color are matte
Im going to wear this often. 

  • DGAF

im on the fence with this one, Im in love with the color but ive tried on some blues on my lips and they dont look good. I LOVE THE COLOR THOUGH
i might get it..
its an acronym for Dont Give A Fuck and the color is a really deep beautiful blue and BOLD
so if you want to stand out without saying a word
this will do it

  • 6SIX6

im planning to buy this but not until the fall cause i think this is a fall color. I thought it was brown at first but once you really look at it its like a blood red or deep wine color if im wrong and it is a brown with a hint of red im still going to buy it, ive been trying to find fall colors and this fits right in.

  • By Starlight

this is a true royal purple, it doesnt seem to come out as dark as ive seen in some pictures (the tube of lipstick just looks really dark). im hoping to buy this in the near future im just not as excited for this one as i am for others.

  • Space Cake

I dont like this color at all but everyone has their preferences. It is gray color with a tiny hint of blue it looks weird, i can see where they got name cause i would name this color space cake too..... No wonder they started calling their fans little aliens..REVELATION

  • Shady Lady

A shadowy magenta and vaguely hot pink
thats what the product description on their website said, it looks like somebody took a melted purple pizzazz crayon and dabed on. Thats not a bad thing if you ask me.

  • Belladona 2

Cool red but bright as hell, all reds are. They make loud sexy statement but this one with it being all sexy, calm, cool, and collected its saying: COME AND GET ME..you know you want to *wink wink*.

  • Bang Bang

I purchased this and I havent tried it out..BUT WHY BERNY?! i dont know why..im lazy..i dont gorgefy myself everyday so i havent gotten a chance to smooch my fiance with it...Its a gorgeous bright tangerine color, its definitely a summer color..NEON #1

  • Darling

"There once lived a girl with pastel hair
She was loved by all men, here and there
She stole all their hearts, and ripped them apart
She gets joy from this type of affair"
This is the description on the website a bit morbid for such a cutesy name but they get a little bit cuckoo when it comes to the names and their descriptions.
The shade is really pretty lilac pastel color this is the perfect color for a unicorn princess..i want to be a unicorn princess tehehe 
  • Stupid Love

I fucking LOVEEEE this shade its my favorite one out of the whole bunch and im pleased to say i own it, this has got to be one of the hottest electric pink ive ever seen or experienced. NEON #2 
it has a weird name but its back story explains it all
"She drowns her sorrows in a bucket of lemon sorbet and two bottles of Champagne. He broke her heart, but this pity party wont last long. She's going to paint the town electric pink. Stupid Love."
and that's how this baby was born 

  • Summer!

Now this is the most normal down to earth shade on this page. The others are like WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! IM HERE LOVE ME and this is like im chill its all good. A nude color you wouldnt expect but you got it, its a naked peach! thats it! its an exhibitionist

well those are all shades
my darlings

EEeeee I got mine 
purchase yours @

"Man does not control his own fate. The Women in his life do that for him."
-Groucho Marx