Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Music Saved My Speech

Music is my life
I listen to it every chance I get
My fiance is dumbstruck when i know every song on every TV show on every channel or on movies, its cause ive heard it before or everybody in the whole world is singing that same song cause its a popular song, Billboard Top 100, uhhBabe don't you keep up with the times?? no hes busy with his games, DUH... I wouldn't know how to function if you took my music away, its my life, I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't discriminate. My phone(cause that's where everybody keeps their music now) has everything I think its bipolar. Country,Classical,Hip-Hop, Metal, Old school Rock, Mexican music, French Music, Indian music, K-Pop, Indie, Jazz, Pop, Reggae, Christian Rock(im not Christian), Dubstep, ect it could go on forever.....anyways when I got brain surgery i lost the ability to speak temporarily. That's scary as hell, all I could was cry, nod my head yes and no and point. All I wanted to do was speak and nothing...how could it be possible. The doctors said this could take up to 3 months to fix and i was like in my mind No NO NO nO a la chingada my Mexican was coming out that translates to nooooo FUCKING SHIT!

So they as in the surgeons kept in the hospital for a week and then they transported me to Rehab Hospital and passed me off to the next doctors.they gave me the first day free but the next day and days ahead i was in for fun times (-__-) 

you guys dont understand how hard it is to get speech back, I felt like a baby trying to get a sound out. I eventually got yes out after like the whole hour session but it didnt take long like 20 min to get no out. no no no no i can even say it German nein nein nein, isnt that the second the words that most little kids learn after dada or mama haha. 

well after a few sessions with my speech therapist i was saying a few more words but i wasn't putting them together or i was a bit but i sounded robotic; so some random day i was in my room taking a break and listening to music and i had never tried to sing the songs cause i thought in my mind i cant sing the song ill just botch it but to my amazement i started singing and it was smooth like silk, i sounded normal as if nothing had happened. I was so HAPPY and excited to tell my therapist. I had hard time explaining what happened but she made me she was hard on me but in polite way i dont know how to explain that haha. She had me sing to everyone i talked to for a trial for one day it worked. I practiced alone in my room always singing, anytime I had a break I would put my music on and sing, the nurses even were relieved that there was some music on the floor cause it was all quiet. We worked on all kind of things in there like to tell time, to make change with money, to tell her when im choking cause that really happened haha, you dont know how to say all those simple things.  I thank her for reteaching all that or i would still be having speech problems.

I learned English by listening to music and I regained my speech by listening to music.

3 months...psshh please I got out in ONE 




I love this song 
I hope you guys will like it too(i love the old man in this song)
throw some culture at you

"You've gotta Dance like there's nobody watching,
Love you'll never be hurt,
    Sing like there's nobody listening,
     And Live like it's heaven on earth."
-William W. Purkey

1 comment:

  1. The first words you ever said were "I love you" right in the hospital bed. It took you a while but you said 'em. :D
