Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Sister My Best Friend...That Was Only Temporary

Jaya 22 and Berny 24

I miss my sister. Its like she doesnt want anything to do with our family anymore, I get it why she was mad at my dad but she has to be an adult about it and get over it and forgive. She doesnt have to punish us, especially our mom.
I call my parents everyday cause I left home and I live two hours away and I visit whenever I can, I stay for 3 weeks or more. My sister living in my hometown with her boyfriend, she never calls, she never..rarely visits..WE HAVE NO WAY OF GETTING IN CONTACT WITH HER.. because she doesnt give her phone number away to us, her family. I have her on skype and thats my only way of getting in contact with her and I left her a skype message the other day to go and visit our mom ASAP because she really misses her. As I type this I am only getting angrier with that person, because thats what shes become to me. It pisses me off to the point of tears that we have to beg for her to come visit, I know she doesnt have it easy now..living on her own but she chose that lifestyle and you can only watch her struggle. BUT DAMN A FUCKING WEEKEND just to see our mom. My mom is schizophrenic and diagnosed with depression, she takes medication but shes alone all day weekdays, I call her in the day when its rainy, dark, and cold cause she especially gets depressed on those days. I cheer her up for a while but she has to watch her minutes or i have to do it cause she will want to talk for hours. I call everyday at night cause my dad has the unlimited minutes phone and ill talk to him for a bit, my bro, and my mom.  UGGHHH IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD I WISH I COULD PUNCH HER IN THE FACE OR SLAP THE RIDICULOUS OUT OF HER 
and my little brother, I felt so bad for him when I talked to him the other day and he told me that went to see the Lego movie all excited, "Who did you go see it with?"
Jose- no one
me- Oh 
Jose- but Jaya and her bf picked me up after the movie to get my haircut...
me-how was the movie?
Josie-FUNNY!!!...but it wouldve been better to have someone there to laugh with me..I was lonely but i had my own personal row
me-(my heart dropped when he said that and i was holding back tears of rage) I wish I couldve seen it with you buddy, next time im there we'll go see a movie.
...............i was thinking FUCKERS 

I get really sad of the relationship my sister and dad have, they dont have one. She only speaks to him when she needs something or hes home at the exact time that she decides to visit. Other than that they dont speak and they are going to regret that someday.

Me and Her, we used to be best friends. No one understood our humor except us. Even when we were total and complete bitches to each other we NEVER said the word bitch even though that's what both of us were thinking, I said it once when i was 12 and I felt horrible for days.
I hope one day we can hang out like we used to or just chill and talk for hours. 
I love my sister and I really miss her

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust

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